Underwater Photo and Video Workshop – Bali / Tulamben
From Sat, 11 till Fri, 17 October 2014 I participated a great Underwater Photo & Video Workshop in Bali / Tulamben – Indonesia.
This workshop has been organized and executed by Reef Photo.
Diving from ‘Tauch Terminal‘ Diving Resort we had an easy and direct access to the dive sites of the house reef, drop off and the famous Liberty Wreck. Seraya, a nearby located muck diving dive site offered to get in touch with amazing tiny creatures I / most of us never have seen before.

Techniques in different field of photo- and video- graphy like e.g. wide-angle, macro and super macro photography have been discussed and worked out during the workshop. Instructions and useful hints have been given on individual basis for improving the skills of each participants, resulting in great photo and video shots of everybody during this time.
Skill improvements happened not only in gaining from the instruction imparted by the workshop leaders, but also by an other important factor which is driven by the so called group dynamic.
Working together combined with lot of fun, we enjoyed these days so much.